Section: New Software and Platforms



iCub is a humanoid robot with the size of a 4 years old child. It is developed by the Italian Institute of Technology (Genoa, Italy), which is the coordinator of the EU project CoDyCo. The iCub robot was acquired thanks to the funding of this project.

Our version of iCub has a v2 head, v1 torso, v2.5 legs. It has 6 force/torque sensors, a distributed tactile skin, and inertial sensor in the head.

The robot is used in the context of the projects CoDyCo and Resibots. The software developed for the iCub is mostly published on the github page of our team:



Pepper is a humanoid mobile robot, produced by SoftBank Robotics (formerly Aldebaran). It is designed to engage humans in social interactions, entertain or communicate through gestures and visual animations on its front laptop.

The robot was acquired in the context of the CPER SCIARAT to study human-robot interaction for personal assistance.